Stop Carpenter Bee Problems

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bee exterminator
Carpenter Bee Exterminator In Atlanta, GA

Are you noticing small holes appearing in the siding of your home, fascia boards, deck railing or fence? Carpenter bee infestations can cause significant damage to your home or property if neglected. Smart Solutions Wildlife Removal helps metro Atlanta residents and business owners exterminate and solve their carpenter bee activity.

We provide the following services:

  • Control and Removal
  • Treatments and Repellents
  • Damage Repairs
  • Protect Wooden Structures
  • Carpenter Bee Prevention
remove bees nests
Carpenter Bee Nests

These insects are very unique in that male carpenter bees are aggressive, yet harmless because they have no stinger. Females, on the other hand, do have stingers and use them, although rarely, on humans. Carpenter bee nests are small holes in hard to see places, if they sting its usually because someone did not know they were there.

Another unique trait is that they bore into wood to lay their eggs and create their nests. Carpenter bees nest in wood around windows, under decks, under eves, in siding boards and log cabin structures. These holes or nests usually go unnoticed, but when they do, that is when a large problem is usually present.

Identify A Carpenter Bee Problem:

  • Solitary 1+ inches females are larger than males
  • These bees do not live in colonies like bumble bees
  • Non-aggressive stingers but annoying and very
  • Damage wood by drilling holes and cavities
  • Shiny black abdomen and head with a yellow thorax
  • Carpenter bee holes are 1/2 inch round in wood-fascia, siding, decks etc…
  • Have chambered elongated nesting tunnels
  • 5-10 developing adults in each hole.
Carpenter Bee Damage

In order to get rid of carpenter bees from your home, property or business, it’s important to find all of the holes and damage. After the holes have been found, it’s important to treat and stop the activity. These holes should be left open until October because the bees will emerge and cause more destruction if they are sealed in

At the end of season, our team will plug all of the existing holes with a specialized backer and color blended sealant. Carpenter bees do not reuse the same holes but nest in voids nearby. If the wood is to be replaced, its important to have a routine pest program to treat voids and prevent holes in the new wood.

Each situation for removing carpenter bees from your home or business may be different. Our team of carpenter bee removal professionals will implement the best solution for your specific property.

bee exterminator
Carpenter Bee Treatment

To get rid of the damaging carpenter bees at your home or business in the greater Atlanta area, contact the professionals at Smart Solutions Wildlife Removal today. We will apply a specialized treatment for your property to remove the bees and keep them out. Our products are specifically designed to control stinging insects.

Our Unique Carpenter Bee Treatment Process:

  • First, our pest exterminators treat with an eco-friendly safe slow acting non-deterrent. This makes our initial process unique because the bees do not know the material is there, spreading it through out the nest. A powered back backpack sprayer is used with a specialized extension wand that can reach up to 50+ feet.

All of our pest control experts carry extension ladders on their trucks to reach all activity areas including fascia boards, trim, chimneys, window frames, etc…

  • Dust ATTICS and VOIDS to break the overwintering cycle. This process is hugely important to have success with preventing the spring fertilization process. Carpenter bees over winter in attics, walls and voids, they emerge from voids in the spring if not treated.
  • Other pest control companies miss this important process, never breaking the insect life cycle.
  • Spot treat with a repellent with Flowzone backpack sprayer in activity areas on follow ups preventing and repelling neighboring bees. We conduct a pest control inspection on each visit, taking pictures and documenting any activity locations.
  • Seal holes with a carpenter bee proof backer and color blending caulk/paint at the end of season.

We offer year round protection with bi-monthly or quarterly maintenance programs. Click here to more about our pest control services.

Carpenter Bee Repellent

Common carpenter bee repellents are citrus sprays or essential oils. There are other deterrents such as diatomaceous earth or other insecticidal dusts. Holes, nests and damage can be hard to locate and reach, preventing these materials from being effective. Although these remedies are popular, they have no long term value for solving pest problems because they get washed off or do not reach the activity areas.

Smart Solutions Wildlife Removal has field tested repellents for over 25 years. We have narrowed it down to a rotation of environmentally friendly products that are safe and effective. The reason why our pest repellant treatments are so effective, is using the correct formulations for wooden structures.

The different wood surfaces carpenter bees prefer are cedar, pine, cypress, painted trim boards, decks, shake roofs and structural rustic beams. Wood surfaces are very porous, absorbing most oil based or soluble liquid treatments. Our process utilizes a product that is a slow release encapsulate, allowing it to bind to the surface, working over time.

This process also works for wasps, hornets and yellow jackets. Find about more information here about our wasp services.

Carpenter Bee vs Bumble Bee: Key Differences On Identification

When it comes to telling the contrasts between a carpenter bee and a bumble bee can be quite difficult to the untrained eye. These two bees may look the same but have different behaviors and impacts on homes and property.

Carpenter bees are known for their wood-boring habits, chewing holes causing structural damage. Bumble bees are important pollinators that rarely pose a threat to your property. Understanding how to identify them, their role in the ecosystem, and how to handle them needs to be done with care.

Key Differences Between Carpenter Bees and Bumble Bees:

  • Physical Appearance: Carpenter bees are 3/4 to 1 inch in length, have smooth and shiny black, hairless abdomens. They have a small black dot on their body or thorax which is mostly yellow.

Bumble bees are smaller, usually 1/2 inch long, covered in soft fuzzy hairs. They have distinctive yellow bands below the head and at the bottom of their body or thorax which is black.

  • Behavior and Habits: Carpenter bees are solitary, chew holes into into wood and the queens nest in a single hole. Males hatch out to fertilize the females and do not sting. The female carpenter bees will hatch out and drill other holes to nest and rarely sting.

Bumble bees are social more likely to make a nest called a hive in the ground or in voids like old cars or clutter in good size colonies. Bumble bees have a single large queen that lays eggs and is surrounded by different castes of workers, males, and drones. They are extremely aggressive around the nest and will sting if you get too close.

  • Effect and Damage: Carpenter bees can cause serious damage wooden structures, and play a role in pollination of plants. Bumble bees have and important role in pollination.

If you’re dealing with a bee problem in your home or garden, it’s important to identify the species first. Pest treatments for different species of bees will vary depending on the location and type of nest or hives. Contact the local pest control experts in the Atlanta metro for safe, eco-friendly solutions.

 Call or schedule a free inspection and let Smart Solutions help.

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