wasp exterminator
Wasp Control and Removal Atlanta, GA

There are few things worse than enjoying a beautiful summer day outdoors and suddenly noticing a wasp nest hanging in a tree or near the entrance of your home. Getting stung could mean an allergic reaction or worse. If this is your current situation, it’s highly recommended that you contact a professional wasp nest removal company.

Here at Smart Solutions Wildlife Removal, our team of wasp pest control and wasp nest removal specialists have spent many years and hours of training on getting rid of these potentially dangerous threats. We use specialized equipment that can deliver treatments to the high up and hard to reach areas. We have the latest in application technology such as high reaching telescopic spray wands, powered back back sprayers and tall ladders to handle any wasp problem.

Our team serves the greater Atlanta, GA area with the following services:

  • Wasp removal
  • Wasp pest control
  • Nest removal
  • Continued wasp exterminator services
Wasp Control Near Me

If you’re needing to get rid of wasps from your soffits, attic, chimney or deck it’s time to call the professionals at Smart Solutions Wildlife Removal. Our team will provide you with a high quality wasp and wasp nest removal service to bring safety and peace back to your property. Our wasp removal services includes coverage on stinging insects from paper wasps, to cicada killer wasps, mud daubers, and more.

Our Super Effective Method of wasps:

  • We perform 2 initial treatment visits, 5 – 7 days apart.
  • The 1st wasp treatment is a non-repellant liquid spot treatment and a powered backpack sprayer. Non-repellant treatments are ideal, because the wasps do not know the material is there and they will continue to land on the site. This technique has long lasting effects on any wasps that are flying around and not at the nest during the treatment time, killing the entire wasp colony.
  • The 2nd treatment visit we removal the nests from all areas of the home. This includes the attic, walls, ceiling, siding, soffits, roof, chimney, decks, ground and trees. We then treat these areas with a long lasting residual dust and repellants to prevent them form building nests.
  • Exclusion or sealing of cracks and gaps will prevent future entry.
  • Routine pest programs prevent future nesting by breaking the life cycle with treatments of the attic, voids and exterior.
Wasp Types

Identifying wasps is a key factor to success with control and prevention. We have several species in Georgia, some build nests in the ground, in trees or on and in structures and homes. Smart Solutions Wildlife Removal offers expert exterminator services for these different wasp types:

Paper Wasps

Paper Wasps or umbrella wasps are red, brownish with yellow marking, with some species being red and even black in color. They are 5/8 – 3/4 inches in length and have over 22 species in North America. They are semi – social and live in small colonies with open celled umbrella like nests on a variety of structural features.

Paper wasps are typically not aggressive but will sting if the nesting sites. Paper wasps seek refuge in attics, voids, vents and chimneys in the winter, often times showing up lethargic in the living space. Our year round pest control programs in the activity areas will help prevent insect emergence from attics and voids.

Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are aggressive smaller wasps with distinctive striped black and yellow bodies. They are 10 to 16mm long, have a thin waist and their wings fold over one another when at rest. They are social insects, have castes or a division of labor and will sting repeatedly to defend the nest.

Each nest contains a queen whose job is to reproduce. Male yellow jackets fertilize the queen, and sterile female workers gather food. The workers tend to the queen, protect the nest, and care for the larvae. They have chewing mouthparts and can chew through drywall and building materials to enter homes and businesses.

Yellow jackets nest building activity runs from late May until October. These colonies can get huge numbering 1000’s of worker wasps, developing larvae and pupa. Yellow jackets will live in the ground, landscaping, walls, ceilings, and various voids.

Exterminating yellow jackets is best performed by a professional exterminator. Utilizing and multitude of applications is best to reach the nest, which can be deep in the ground or home. Getting rid of yellow jackets naturally will can lead to failure and may create satellite colonies.

Bald Faced Hornets

Bald faced Hornets are black and white wasps that are extremely aggressive, are dangerous and sting repetitively. They are 1/2 to 3/4 inch long with a black and white pattern on their face and thorax. Bald faced hornets are relatives to the yellow jacket and make very large paper social nests in trees, shrubs or overhangs of structures.

Bald faced hornets are carnivorous and eat a variety of insects that they feed to their larvae in small pieces in the nest. They also eat spiders, aphids, caterpillars, trash and feed on nectar from flowering plants. Bald faced hornets nest removal and treatments are done with extreme caution utilizing our 2 step unique program.

Bald faced hornets peak activity season runs from late May until October. Treating and removing bald faced hornets nests in one visit will cause them to vacate and build adjacent nests nearby. Our 2 step process will kill all of the hornets in the nest and the workers who are flying around during treatment.

Mud Daubers

Mud dauber wasps are black, metallic blue to yellow and green in color and have a also have a tapered long waste. They are generally between 1/2 to 1 inch long and have a slow hovering flight patteren. There are many species with common names of mud daubers, dirt daubers, potter wasps or pipe-organ wasps.

Mud daubers are solitary wasps that make clustered pipe shaped mud nests. Mud dauber wasps stings on rare occasion but its good to be careful around nests and flying adults to avoid stings. They prey on insects and spiders, bringing them back to the nest and feed them to the larvae but are not considered to be very dangerous to people.

Mud daubers appear in March to May, a direct treatment of mud nesting sites throughout season will prevent activity. If their nests are removed the same day as a one time pest control visit, they will build more nearby. Using the correct process and materials will also have a huge impact on the success of preventing future mud dauber activity.

Cicada Killer Wasps

The cicada killer wasp is the largest wasp species in Georgia. They posses black and yellow markings on the abdomen, have a pinched waist, red legs and amber colored wings. They reach a size of up to 1 1/2 to 2 inches long and are often times confused with European Hornets.

Cicada killer wasps are solitary, do not show much aggression and will sting only if people or pets disturb their nest. Males will act aggressive to chase away predators but do not sting and female cicada killer wasps are capable of stinging. They contain a venom in their stinger that paralyzes their prey and can cause allergic reactions in humans.

These insects will dig large burrows to nest and do their egg laying in near mulch beds, in yards, lawns, next driveways and sidewalks. Female wasps will strike cicadas in mid air, paralyze them through delivering stings and drag them back to their ground nests to feed to the larvae. They appear in June to July disturbing sandy soils of flower beds, patios and golf courses.

The pupa stage of cicada killers is tolerant to treatments, so a specialized approach is taken by our experts. Dusts and general liquid treatments will not break the life cycle of this pest. Treating with the proper equipment and formulations is paramount to get control and doing routine treatments to prevent emergence is key for success.

Wasp Vs Bee

Many times, wasps are confused with bees as they look and act very similar to each other. Wasps have more of a cinched waist and feature a distinct yellow and black striped body that is smooth. Bees are more fat and have broad wastes with hairy bodies and both are beneficial for the environment and pollination process for plants and agriculture..

Here are some distinct differences between bees and wasps:


  • Stout and round, with thick waists and flattened back legs.
  • Bees body is fuzzy and black or brown in color
  • Bees are usually not aggressive unless provoked
  • Bees diet consists of pollen and nectar from plant flowers
  • They are honey producers
  • Some species such as honey bees can have 50,000 + colony members in their hives


  • Wasps have sleek bodies with threaded wastes and thin legs
  • They have narrow waists and more trim bodies, shiny and smooth with little hair
  • Wasps are mostly black and yellow striped with striped pattern
  • Diet is a mix of plants, meat, fruit, insects and sugars
  • Wasps do not produce honey
  • Colonies are less than 10,000 members
Wasp Nest Removal Near Me

Many wasps are ground dwellers, but they also create elaborate paper nests that usually hang from trees. These insects are most popular in the spring and summer months in Atlanta.

  • Adults have tapered waists between abdomen and thorax
  • Can sting multiple times with out losing stinger (short barbs)
  • Almost hairless body and 1/2 – 2 inches long
  • Mostly brown or black/yellow in GA but can variable colors such as red, black and white and even orange.
  • There are social wasps that build upside down umbrella shaped paper nests on soffits, insides of vents, roof lines, awnings, ridge vent brick to wood gaps etc…
  • There are social hornets that construct basketball or larger sized paper nests in trees, shrubs, overhangs, peaks and walls.
  • There are solitary wasps that nest in the ground or structural gaps.
  • Not aggressive unless nests are tampered with aside from bald faced hornets.

We use ladders to access outside areas and inspect attics to make sure we don’t miss nests. This is where other companies fail.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do wasps sting or bite?

Wasps sting but they do not bite. They also release a venom that acuses inflammation and swelling.

Do wasps die after they sting you?

No, they do no die after they sting, unlike bees they can sting multiple times without losing their stinger.

How do you get rid of wasps?

  • To get rid of wasps you treat the nests with and approved environmentally friendly pesticide.